
Gas Application Technology

Pipework freezing

In complex pipeline systems, it is sometimes useful to isolate only certain sections from operation (e.g., to replace a fitting or eliminate leaks).

To achieve this, a plug can be used to stop the flow in the pipeline at one or more points.

When freezing the media in pipes, the cold energy of the medium used for freezing is utilised. Liquid nitrogen (-198°C) and dry ice (-79°) are commonly used for this purpose.

To freeze a medium in a pipe, it must not be flowing and it should be in a liquid state so that it can reach its solid state at the specified temperatures.

Nitrogen delivery service

Cryogenic liquid nitrogen can be required in a wide variety of areas:

  • shrinking from components
  • freezing of food (shock freezing)
  • partial freezing of pipelines
  • for transport cooling
  • for various cooling purposes

Regardless of its cooling capacity, nitrogen is an inert gas and therefore poses risk to the product.




A permantent connection (shaft/ socket) can be achieved with the ‘shrinkage’-method. This utilises the different expansion of a component at different temperatures.

Please contact us, if you want to permanently join components together through different expansion methods.

We would be delighted to carry out theses operations for you at your company or at our locations.

Composite Seperation

In order to (physically) separate valuable metal components from composite materials – without contaminating them – their “glass point temperature” can be utilised.

By applying enough/sufficient cooling energy, many elements of composite materials can be contracted at different rates or cooled down to their ‘glass point temperature’.

This means that the specific application of mechanical energy can loosen their adhesion and achieve separation into the initial components.

An example of this would be rubber-metal connections or plastic-metal/non-metal connections (bumpers, copper cables).

We would be glad to advise and carry out the work for you.

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+49 (0)203 / 71 36 86-0
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