
SCC* recertification 2024

The SCC* recertification took place in June 2024 with flying colors. Now the “new” certificate is here! Valid until 04.08.2027.


Do you need a copy for your documents?

Please get in touch with us! We will be happy to provide you with a copy.





Small but nice

Environmentally friendly and sustainable – knowing how:

Is it always necessary to replace defective components? We at ITRG GmbH believe – no. Here is an example from our cooperation with our partner Robert Klasen.

A defective valve seat in the cylinder head can certainly be repaired. To do this, the seats and channels are first cleaned using walnut shells (blasting process).



This enables optimum damage detection – in this case a closed valve seat.

For the repair, the defective valve seats in the cylinder head are fitted with suitable valve seat inserts.

The different expansion behavior of the materials at different temperatures is used to assemble the valve seat inserts. This means that the cylinder head can continue to be used.

ITRG GmbH supplies the required quantity of liquid nitrogen for this purpose.
Sustainable and cost-effective through cooperation!

We will be happy to advise you – of course you can also contact our cooperation partner – Robert Klasen – directly.




Professional powder coating via our cooperation partner

Further information directly from:


  • Vehicle and machine parts,
  • Aluminum rims,
  • window components and much more ….





ab sofort neu in der Vermietung!



Weitere Details siehe unter der Rubrik ” Mietpark”









First aid training and instruction in the use of hand-held fire extinguishers



The event took place in compliance with all hygiene and 3G rules.

First, the theory of “first aid” was presented.

All employees were then able to try out and practice the theory they had learned.

Our special “thank you” goes to all the speakers from DLRG Wesel for a competent and successful event!

Firefighters from the “Brandschutzkiste” in Willich then presented the basics of using hand-held fire extinguishers.

All employees were able to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.

Here, too, we would like to thank the “Brandschutzkiste” for their support and expert training.

Contact us!

+49 (0)203 / 71 36 86-0
Write us!